Starkey Medical Family Practice
Starkey Medical Family Practice
4903 Starkey Rd. Suite 300
Roanoke, VA 24018
Laser hair removal offers a permanent alternative to waxing, shaving and electrolysis. Treatment is indicated by the FDA for permanent hair reduction. CoolGlide hair removal can remove hair from all parts of the body including the face, legs, arms, underarms and back. It can also treat sensitive areas like the chest, nipples, and bikini line. Most areas require 3-6 treatments.
Laser Hair Removal
What do the treatments feel like?
As the name implies, the CoolGlide handpiece cools and soothes as it glides along your skin. When the pulse of light is delivered, some patients feel a mild pinching or stinging.
What happens after the treatment?
Immediately following the treatment, your skin may appear a bit red or swollen. 3-7 days after treatment, you may experience what appears to be regrowth of hair. This is actually hair being shed as a result of your treatment, and not actually regrowth.
How does laser hair removal compare with electrolysis?
Electrolysis is a tedious, invasive and painful procedure that involves inserting a needle into each hair follicle and delivering an electric charge to each one. Electrolysis usually requires years of treatments at regular intervals. Laser hair removal can treat an area in just seconds that would take over an hour with electrolysis.
What is the cost of laser hair removal?
Axilla area: $135 session/$648 package
Bikini area (line): $185 session/$888 package
Binkini area (full):$350 session/$1680 package
Lip: $100 session/$480 package
Chin: $135 session/$648 package
Back area upper: $250 session/$1250 package
Back area lower: $200 session/$960 package
Lower legs: $235 session/$1128 package
Legs full: $400 session/$1920 package
(Packages of 6 includes 20% discount)
